December 28, 2018

out - in

[ click on any of the photos above to be directed to the original post! ]

2018 was a trying year for Fairly Yours.  I shared some high highs - our travels to France and Mexico, excelling at some wardrobe challenges - as well as some low lows like my break from blogging and a major slow down in my posting schedule.  While this year's recap is quite literally every post I made in 2018, I'm proud of these posts and that I put my heart into them rather than just posting to be consistent.  

2019 has a lot in store already (travels to Seattle, China, Japan, Toronto, Colorado and Mexico...just to name a few, family weddings and potentially buying a home) and I will continue to share on Fairly Yours as the inspiration strikes me!

Click below to see past round ups:

xo, Annelise

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Annelise! Your pictures are outstanding!
    Great views of beautiful places and outfits.
    Keep on posting!
